Operating Hours
We will be accepting online orders through Flexi School as usual. Should you need to register, please visit The good news is that we have setup morning recess for online ordering, so you don’t miss out on your morning snack.
Cut off times for ordering are:
All orders will be packed and placed in the usual insulated boxes. Please take care when collecting your lunches and ensure you keep your distance.
For those who are unable to order online, you may place money in the brown paper bags available at the small Canteen window. Please ensure your name, year level and the items you wish to purchase are marked on your bag. Also, you will need to indicate on your bag if the food is for morning recess or lunch. Please note the above cut off times still apply when placing your orders.
Should you require further information please do not hesitate to contact me via email at:
Nourishing young Bodies & minds
The Huntingtower Canteen, affectionately known as the HT Kitchen, is headed by our qualified chef who provides our students and staff a varied menu of delicious, fresh and healthy choices for snacks and meals. The beef patties, chicken schnitzels, lamb koftas, chicken kebabs and pizza bases, to name just a few, are all handmade from the best local produce. If you are after something a little lighter, then our sandwiches, salads and focaccias are made daily to your individual order. Why not come and taste our beautiful home cooked meals and snacks which are provided daily.
More Information
Click here to place an order on FlexiSchools.
Click here for our current canteen menu.
Click here for information on our FlexiSchools ordering and payment system.

More Information
Click here for our current canteen menu.
Click here for information on our FlexiSchools ordering and payment system.