Community Outreach
Huntingtower’s Community Outreach Programs aim to help our students develop the skills and attitudes needed to make a positive difference in our world.
Numerous opportunities are available for students to help others less fortunate than themselves on a local, national and international level. Local and national charities include the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, the Smith Family, the 40 Hour Famine and the Eastern Emergency Relief Network. Students undertaking the different levels of the Duke of Edinburgh Award also undertake a local community service component.
On an international level, Year 12 students have travelled to Vietnam to raise money and assist orphanages. The Simunye Project has provided our Senior School students with the opportunity to raise funds and travel to South Africa to volunteer in communities that desperately need support. Over $300,000 for these communities has been raised over the past decade; more importantly our young people have learned that with love, compassion and hard work, they can make a difference.